Monday, September 1, 2008

The Writing Process

It is a phenomenon in Lebanese schools that the educational concepts are not unified among the teachers of the different subjects in the same school. This discrepancy should be minimal between language teachers, usually Arabic and a foreign language (English or French). But that is not the case; most often the foreign language teachers have different approaches to teaching the language skills than the Arabic language teachers. Thus, I have always found it a persistent need to unify concepts, methodology and techniques between the educators on both sides; Arabic language and foreign languages. In an attempt to minimize the gap and bring teachers’ understandings closer on one of the language skills, writing, I carried out a workshop on process writing at Al Manahil School. The workshop took place from Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008 till Thursday, Aug. 14, 2008. The attendants were language teachers; Arabic and English teachers. The following is the workshop schedule.

اليوم الأول

نشاط كسر الجليد

قبل البداية

تنظيم الأفكار في المقالة
كتابة مقالة باتباع خطوات عملية الإنشاء

اليوم الثاني

متابعة كتابة المقالة


اليوم الثالث

مراجعة الخطوات

المنظمات الترسيمية

المقدمة والخاتمة


Dania said...

Than you. It was a good experience, i would like to be a fashion blogger in the future.

Noor said...

This seems very interesting!

Ahmad Al Jazzar said...

nice workshop ...
keep going