Friday, September 28, 2018

تجربة الروافد في برامج الدعم المدرسي + التعلم بالمشاريع

 الروافد في مؤتمر تربوي بألانيا التركية
Alanya Aladdin Keykubat University - 

شارك مدير مدرسة الروافد الأستاذ سامي الخطيب ترافقه المشرفة التربوية الدكتورة آمال فرحات في المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول للعلوم الإنسانية "نظرة نحو المستقبل" الذي نظمته على مدى ثلاثة أيام (13و14و15 نيسان 2018) مؤسسة بابير بالتعاون مع جامعة ألانيا علاء الدين كيكوبات الحكومية في مدينة ألانيا التركية بمشاركة خمسمائة باحث وباحثة من ثمانٍ وعشرين دولة عربية وغربية.
وقد قدَّم الأستاذ سامي الخطيب ورقة بعنوان: "برامج الدعم المدرسي ودورها في ردم الهوَّة بين متطلبات المنهج وواقع التلميذ: قراءة في تجربة مدرسة الروافد".
كما قدمت المشرفة التربوية في مدرسة الروافد الدكتورة آمال فرحات ورقة تربوية حول التعلم بالمشاريع بعنوان: "Bridging the Gap in the Curriculum Through Project-Based Learning
وقد كان المؤتمر فرصة لإطلاع المشاركين على تجارب مدرستنا، وللتعرُّف إلى الكثير من التجارب المدرسية الغنية وبناء العلاقات التربوية المفيدة.
وفي نهاية المؤتمر قدَّم مدير جامعة ألانيا الدكتور أحمد بينار باشي درعاً تكريمياً لمدير الروافد تقديراً لدوره في إنجاح المؤتم

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Strive, Inspire, Achieve..

My opening message for Al Mada yearbook  - Summer 2018
This year, I watched with great joy our students enjoying their achievements and their ever-growing skills. I could feel that everyone else at Rawafid shared the same joy; teachers, administrators and staff. Rawafid students demonstrated advancement in their leadership skills, critical thinking abilities, autonomy and communication skills. These were evident in the many curricular and extra-curricular activities that took place during the academic year. The Rawafid Science Fair, student elections, charity campaigns, and the many competitions whether in school or among other schools were some of the events where students exercised their higher-order thinking skills and their leadership and communication skills.
All this would not have been possible and successful if Rawafid did not function as a community of professions. Everyone at Rawafid was actively engaged in making the school a community of growth and progress, a community when all are supportive of one another. In our community, teachers are continuously thriving to improve their skills and increase their knowledge. This has been evident in the professional development program which focused this year on interactive learning. Teachers showed perseverance and passion to improve their skills which highly reflected on the classroom dynamics. In addition, students reported that they enjoyed learning more and the achievement of many increased.
Part of the professional development this year was participation of two English language teachers in seven-day rigorous professional training program in Malaysia followed by one-year on-going online training. The teachers had to pass on their training to the Rawafid teachers through workshops facilitated at school.
The achievements of one at Rawafid become the achievements of all and the joy of the whole school. These achievements do not come without planning and hard work.
So go ahead, Rawafid staff and students, enjoy your achievements and your plans,
keep striving for the heights
and stay inspired and inspire those in your life.

June 2018