Saturday, May 13, 2017

iatefl 2017 Glasgow - Higlights

Image result for iatefl 2017 logoThis year's Iatefl is held in Glasgow. So many things to do at the conference; plenary sessions, almost 22 parallel sessions at all times, poster sessions, two interactive language fairs, evening events, special interest group sessions, and the exhibition. With all of these going on, I definitely had to select carefully what to attend since you cannot do all. My Iatefl 2017 journey began when I prepared a proposal for presentation and having it accepted. The title of my presentation was: Planning Electronic Units by Students of Education. It was presented at the Interactive Language Fair. 

University of Glasgow 
April 3, 2017: The pre-conference event PCE I selected was titled Teacher Professional Development. It was led by 5 exemplary presenters namely Silvana Richardosn who is an advocate of developing professional development frameworks that are teacher-led and lead to teacher autonomy. She emphasizes action research in the classroom that is conducted by the teacher. 

April 4 - 7, 2017: The conference sessions took place including talks, seminars, Special Interest Groups SIGs, plenary sessions, interactive language fairs, language exhibitions ...
with Dr. Carol Griffiths from Fatih University
The first time I met Dr. Griffiths was around 7 years ago where she headed a workshop I attended at an ELT conference in Tehran and gave a keynote speech. It was great seeing her again in Iatefl for the 2nd year in a row. 
Conference Mates Rasha and Noha. This year we met Samah Sabbagh again at iatefl.

Carol Reads headed a Pre-conference event PCE and gave a talk about moral values in teaching 
Great people from Tunisia and Morocco